Thursday 23 July 2009

Spaced now on Hulu

Spaced, one of the finest SF-related TV shows ever made, is now available for Americans to view on Hulu, a mere ten years after its first UK broadcast.

Spaced marks the first major collaboration between actor/writers Simon Pegg and Jessica Hynes, director Edgar Wright and actor Nick Frost. Most of this team would go on to make Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, but for my money Spaced remains one their strongest work, mainly due to its longer running time and its more grounded, funnier central premise: two random strangers (hardcore SF fan Tim and wannabe writer Daisy) bond during their search for a flat and decide to pretend to be a professional couple to secure a very nice property. They and their friends become embroiled in various escapades whilst pursuing several story arcs (such as Daisy's quest to become a journalist and Tim's disillusionment with life after viewing The Phantom Menace) over the series' fourteen episodes. Storylines include Tim's quest to get on Robot Wars leading him to the underground, no-holds barred violence of 'Robot Club' ("No-one talks about Robot Club,") and the kidnapping of Daisy's dog which results in a Star Wars-themed assault on an animal vivisection laboratory ("Your code name is Jabba," "Was Jabba the princess?", "Yes,"). One episode features a debate over the relative merits of Krull and Hawk the Slayer, which frankly should alone have been enough for it to automatically win a BAFTA and Emmy simultaneously.

Anyway, it's now available for those over the pond to view. In the words of Tyres, "You lucky people!"

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