Monday 1 March 2010

Covert art for Brandon Sanderson's THE WAY OF KINGS

(Courtesy of Dribble of Ink) Tor Books have released the American cover for Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings, the first volume in his ten-book Stormlight Archive sequence. The artwork is by the much-in-demand Michael Whelan, one of the more respected artists in the business.

Obviously not one of his better works. If the most exciting and cinematic sequence in Sanderson's massive tome (which, at 1,400 pages in manuscript, is almost as long as George R.R. Martin's A Storm of Swords) is a scene where two Fremen appear to be engaging in a sword-driven semaphore conversation, we might be in trouble.

Having said that, there is something very old-school about this painting that brings to mind finding old 1970s editions of the Dune books in a second-hand bookshop.


  1. Sort of reminds me of 80s covers for those Eric Van Lustbader books.

  2. Looks like a deliberate attempt at the old-school, with a touch of "young and dynamic" thrown in. It would interest me in the book, at least with the bestselling name on top.

  3. To be fair, Whelan's style defined the look of Fantasy novels in the 80's and 90's, so that 'old school' look is sort of inherent to any novel with his art on the cover.

  4. In terms of vividity and technical quality, I would even say it's one of the artist's better works, if I compare it to random Google results.

  5. Shouldn't that claim of "#1 New York Times Bestseller" mention something about Robert Jordan's coattails?

  6. I think he still got best seller from Mistborn series even without WoT

  7. I don't think he was a bestseller until it was announced he would be finishing WoT. He certainly isn't a #1 NYT bestseller until TGS.

    Just sayin! Coattails.

  8. MISTBORN #2 I think missed out on the NYT bestseller list by one or two places. He was then announced as the WoT writer and Book 3 did get on the list, although not massively higher. WARBREAKER also got on there, IIRC.

    It is true that calling him a #1 NYT bestselling author in his own right is slightly misleading, although his work on the WoT books has been outstanding so far, so I wouldn't say it's undeserved. I wouldn't say it's any worse than authors who are low-selling in their own right splashing 'NYT BESTSELLING AUTHOR!!!' on their books because they once wrote a STAR WARS novel, and that seems to be accepted practice in the industry.

  9. I think the covers not bad at all. It has that epic fantasy feel to it.

  10. Hilarious. It so totally is semaphore with swords. I won't be able to look at this cover again without chortling and look forward to reading the sequence that inspires it (though why they couldn't just shout as they aren't that far away ...?).
