Wednesday 21 April 2010

Brief update on Steven Erikson's THE CRIPPLED GOD

In a brief addendum to a longer blog post, Steven Erikson has revealed he has ten chapters left to write in The Crippled God, the tenth novel in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series and its climax (although there are more books to come in the same world, at least six from Erikson and four more from Ian Esslemont). That puts him well past the half-way point of the book assuming he keeps to the structure of the previous novels: Gardens of the Moon, Deadhouse Gates, The Bonehunters, Reaper's Gale, Toll the Hounds and Dust of Dreams all had 24 chapters apiece, and the others just one or two more.

The Crippled God has an aggressive release scheduled for August 2010, which sounds like it might be a bit tight, so don't be too surprised to see this fall back a few months. Ian Cameron Esslemont's third Malazan novel, Stonewielder, appears to be a lock for release in November 2010, however.


  1. Thank you, sir. Soon I shall begin an ambitious, though possible insane, campaign of A Malazan Chapter a Day summary. It will probably only take forever. Where did I leave that +10 Immortality ring...*fumbles about and looks around*

  2. Heh, I don't mind a winter 2010 or even srping 2011 release for that monster - my TBR pile will be clogged in autumn, and my purse look very sad. ;)

  3. Sounds like it is going well. Honestly I didn't expect it to meet the initial publishing date so I'm not too worried about an end of 2010/start of 2011 date.

  4. Thanks for the info, Wert. If anyone's interested, are starting the Malazan Re-Read of the Fallen in a couple of months time.

  5. We're not talking about GRRM here. He's been working on the book for less than a year, so I think he'll deliver the manuscript before July. Personally an't wait!
