Monday 28 February 2011

The Maester's Path

HBO have stepped up their marketing for Game of Thrones. Last night they launched a new trailer for the series:

Today they launched a new website called The Maester's Path. Each week from now to the start of April new puzzles will be unveiled which, when solved, will lead to rewards. The first puzzle revolves around the 'scents' of parts of Westeros (and beyond), a reference to the promotional boxes of scents sent out last week to various critics and bloggers. has handily collected all the symbols together here. What reward do you get? The first full scene from the series :-)

In related news, all four ebooks of the series should now be available in the UK from Voyager, and the TV tie-in edition of the first book should be properly unveiled in the next couple of weeks or so.


  1. Wish I could figure out how to do the puzzle, not so easy for me. :(

  2. Hi Adam,

    didn't find a quick way to otherwise contact you...

    I like your blog a lot, and have a suggestion for a new post ;-)

    Now that The Crippled God is out, would you be up for telling your readers in which order the Malazan books by Erikson and Esslemont (possibly including the short story collections) should be read?


  3. I can't wait for this show seriously. It seems so suspensful and dark and Sean BEAN is the bomb.

  4. There will be an upgraded MALAZAN reading order article at some point, probably after I've read THE CRIPPLED GOD (halfway through now) and maybe ORB, SCEPTRE & THRONE (out in November), so we can get a better sense of how the pieces fit together.

  5. Maybe you've already addressed this in one of your earlier blog posts, Adam, but seriously: what is it that convinces people to continue reading Malazaan Book of the Fallen when the first book was a mess?

    Tried reading the second book, too, but then stopped when I admitted I was only reading it because others said it was good, not because I was actually enjoying it.

    Guess Bakker will have to be my Canadian fantasy author champion thingy. Though he has problems, too...

    On topic: There is no way I'm gonna miss AGoT on HBO. The idea of seeing an adaption of one of my favourite series is too good an opportunity to pass up.

  6. This is like decrypting some ancient forgotten glyphs. It would help to know what the symbols stand for, because I have no idea.
