Thursday 5 May 2011


The trailer for the new Conan movie, starring Jason Momoa (Ronon Dex from Stargate Atlantics and currently Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones) in a movie apparently based more closely on Robert E. Howard's short stories than the existing Schwarzenegger movies:

Hmm. Looks a bit cheesy at this stage, though the apparent R rating means they don't have to hold back on the action and Momoa looks like an effective Conan (from what little glimpses we get, he does indeed look closer to Howard's version than Arnie's). How much he can keep that up remains to be seen.


  1. Similarly to what happened with James Bond, the movie viewing public has an idea of what a character should be like that is fundamentally different from what the author created.

    As well-regarded as Sean Connery's performances as Bond are, anyone who has read Ian Fleming's novels will know that Timothy Dalton's portrayal was far more accurate. The same can be said for Arnold Schwarzenegger, in that, as entertaining as his films were, he was nothing like the Conan of Robert E. Howard's books.

  2. The problem I see is that Schwarzenegger coined the Conan image, many people have not read the novels at all. Even I who did imagine Conan to look like the Schwarzenegger Conan.

    Jason Momoa is in a bad position: He looks more like the Conan of the novels, but not like I would imagine the Conan of R.E.H. to look like nor does he look like Schwarzenegger's Conan.

    I hope this Conan is a lot more like the first Conan movie and not like the horrible second.

  3. I’m a huge Conan fan but this looks like they’re missing the point. Conan is supposed to be fun. Arnie seemed to understand that and played the character accordingly. This seems overly serious, grim and way too earnest. Regardless of how big they make it all seem it doesn’t touch the epicness of the Millius film. I kinda figured this was how it was gonna look but I’m still disappointed nevertheless.

  4. It's looks like Conan got transplanted into Clash of the Titans.


  5. "The problem I see is that Schwarzenegger coined the Conan image, many people have not read the novels at all. Even I who did imagine Conan to look like the Schwarzenegger Conan."

    Which Conan? The novel Conan or the Conan of R.E.H.'s short stories? ;-)
