Sunday 1 May 2011

Thank you

The blog today (or some time last night) passed one million site visits since April 2008, and about 1.52 million hits overall in the same time period. That's pretty mind-boggling figures for a site that contains absolutely no pornography whatsoever (unless you count this).

So, cheers muchly to everyone for reading. I'll try to keep up the good work! :-)


  1. Kudos from France : )

  2. Wow, what a milestone! Congrats, Adam.

  3. No pornography?... Damn I knew something wasn't right about this site.

    Congrats :D

  4. It's well deserved, Adam. I can't think of a more comprehensive and up to date blog on the net.

  5. First time i lurked here was just after Sapkowski's first translation to English. I was so thrilled to learn what the big world really thinks about our local darling celebrity. How would he test against the mainstream (world, that is). You, Adam was one of the first to get hold of the book and write a well rounded review. I even still remember comparisons to Jack Vance and that even some guy prominent in the Polish wikipedia crowd strayed in here to ask you about sth...

    Well from now on and with a little help from HBO in the meantime in terms of interesting topics I stayed with this blog and still enjoy the ride. So yes - thanks for all the fuss and keep it up.

  6. Yep, that is pretty amazing… nice work.

  7. Congratulations. I really enjoy reading your blog - keep it up!

  8. Congratulations - it's certainly well deserved! You've got some fantastic articles here, as well as the many useful reviews

  9. Oh, Patrick Rothfuss. You make everything sexytimes.

  10. Congrats.

    I'm a follower pretty much from the beginning of this blog. What I like is not only the content but also the fact that the blog hasn't undergone layout changes with photo backgrounds and animated gifs in the sidebar but kept its simple, content-oriented layout.

  11. what I really love about your blog(apart from the reviews obviously) are the really in-depth articles you often publish,such as the history of the forgotten realms or the occasional 'where to start reading' blogs.

  12. Well done Adam, here's to the next few million.

    A great blog, with great reviews, articles and recommendations. Through reading your blog I have been introduced to Abercrombie, Martin and in some parts Hamilton.

  13. Well done Adam a great milestone. Here's to the next million or so.

    Thanks to you and your blog I've been introduced to the likes of Abercrombie, Martin and Hamilton.

    Yours is the only review site that because of your reviews I've bought books and enjoyed them.
