Tuesday 29 November 2011

Five years of the Wertzone

Yesterday the blog turned five years old. Wow, how did that happen? Half a decade ago I started the site on a whim following another poster's suggestion on the Westeros.org forum and it's gotten bigger and led to more interesting opportunities than I ever thought possible. Because of the blog I've met a large number of my favourite authors, got into contact with many more and been able to pursue some paid writing and editing work (more on this next year) which otherwise would not have been possible. All great stuff, made possible because people seem to like reading the blog.

So, that's five years, 1,407 posts, well over 1.6 million site visits (and over 2.5 million page views) and 354 book reviews under my belt. Where from here? Onwards and upwards, hopefully (and definitely a page redesign at some point). Thanks to everyone for stopping by over the years. Sorry for the lack of cake :-)


  1. Happy birthday, Wert! You're my go-to site for book reviews. I wish you loads of success in the future.

  2. Congrats on five years! I'm a new reader myself, but I love reading your articles. You report on all the things that interest me!

  3. Grats Wert! Here's to another 5 years :)

  4. Congrats on hitting the half-decade mark!

  5. Congrats, Adam. Mostly I've been lurking for the past year or two, but I always enjoy your insights and posts, and hope that your success here continues. Cheers!

  6. Congrats, Adam! A very enviable collection of milestones you've put together there!

  7. Congratulations!

    Now I'm curious as to what a potential page design would look like.

  8. It's Great work that has kept me coming back... Keep it up!

  9. Congratulations. I stop by your blog a couple of times each day, and enjoy most of your articles and reports immensely. Your one of the reviewers witch I listened to the most, because your opinion usually matches my own experiences with a book (except for the travesty called ADWD).

    May you have another 5 great years.

    PS: Good call using the Babylon 5 sign :-)

  10. Thx Wert I've been reading for over 2 years now, I check it at least twice a day and along with Aidan and Pat it's where I get most of my genre news. Thanks for all you do and keep it up.

  11. congrats!
    great job you doing

  12. Congrats on making it so long (and outstripping your fellow piers in areas like hits - well, you've at least far outdone me). In some ways, it's suprising that it's been only 5 years - it just seems like we've been at this forever.

  13. Keep it up, Wert. There are more of us reading and cherishing your work than you possibly imagine.

  14. Congratulations! Many happy returns. :D

  15. Happy bloggiversary. :)

    BTW, I like the design as it is; no frills and laces. But if you feel like doing something new, good luck wrestling blogger widgets. :)

  16. 5 years is a long time. Congrats on a great blog.

  17. Congrats on your blog's 5th anniversary :D

  18. Always an interesting read, Wert.
