Tuesday 1 May 2012

New STAR TREK movie villain revealed

The identity of the villain in the twelfth Star Trek movie has been revealed. Until now we knew that Benedict Cumberbatch (aka Sherlock Holmes aka Smaug) was playing him, but nothing else.

I'm not going to say who it is here, but a quick trip to TrekMovie.com will answer your curiosity (you can also hold your mouse over the above picture to get the answer). There's also a couple of other interesting tidbits about the film on TrekMovie as well.

The twelfth Trek movie - which will neither be called Star Trek XII nor Star Trek II - is in the final weeks of shooting and will hit cinemas in early 2013.


  1. Oy.

    So many possibilities. So little imagination.

  2. Im sure it will be a grand cinematic experience, but honestly Khan? Doesn't make sense to me. Why rewrite what has already come before? The original Khan episode and Second movie were great! Couldn't they write a script that doesn"t tear apart everything from my youth?

    If this is a reboot, isn't it possible that due to the events of the most recent film that Kirk and the enterprise never met up with Khan and his clan?

  3. So, from here on in are they just going to remake the respective films until they get up to Star Trek XXII?

    If so, I suggest a shortcut - don't bother filming anything new, just release the old film with a new number, I'm sure nobody will notice...

  4. I'd love to see Khan again, but we'll have to see if the guy playing him can appropriately ham it up. Khan in Wrath of Khan was so over-the-top that he practically grabbed you by the throat and demanded that you look at his open-chest shirt. It's what made him so awesome.

  5. I assume that, in the current timeline, they're at the point where they uncover the Botany Bay as in "Space Seed", and from there things will play out dfferently.

    I agree this sounds pretty lame, though. There are a jillion possible storylines they can do, and they choose to rehash this one. If part 3 has them saving the whales, I quit. The idea of Spock Prime coming back is pretty lame too...I thought the last movie was a good send-off for him. Having two Spocks is too confusing.

    There's been some talk about how there's apparently a lot more to this story than the return of Khan, that there are more villains and maybe they integrate various other episodes of the show, but...I'm dubious.

  6. might be ok if Khan redeems himself and replaces Kirk as captain of the Enterprise.
