Friday 3 August 2012

Dominic West turns down GAME OF THRONES

British actor Dominic West - known to millions as Detective Jimmy McNulty on the HBO series The Wire - has turned down a role on Game of Thrones.

Lena 'Cersei Lannister' Headey and Dominic West in 300.

West was unfamiliar with the series when he was offered the role during casting for the third season. Unwilling to spend 'six months' away from his family to film in Iceland, he turned down the role and was immediately berated for it by his nephew for not being in "the only great show on". West notes that it was a great part and already partially regrets turning it down, but not the time spent away from home.

Based on West's description of the role, which was substantial and part of the storyline beyond the Wall (which are filmed in Iceland, although only in blocks of six weeks per season), he was almost certainly up for the role of Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall and the leader of the wildlings, frequently mentioned in the first two seasons. As of this writing, the final casting for this role has not yet been formally announced (and may not yet be complete).

Sad news, as West would have been excellent in the role of Mance Rayder. Hopefully another role could be found for him that involves less travel in later seasons (cough Oberyn Martell in Season 4 cough).

West co-starred with Game of Thrones star Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) in the film 300 and alongside Oona Chaplin (Talisa Maegyr) in the newsroom TV drama The Hour.


  1. Seven hells, I don't know how to feel. It sure would have been nice to see West on another high-profile show, but if he was willing to pass up most of the Wire's fourth season for the same reason, passing up GOT should not come as a shock.

  2. Isn't Oberyn Martell an Arab, like all the Dornish people? I heard someone suggest that Naveen Andrews would be a better fit. Whitewashing the role seems like it would be kind of lame.

  3. I never noticed that it was Lena in 300 ... I just checked out her IMDB, she looks infinitely better as a Cersei blonde rather than her weird brown bob.

  4. So dissapointing, wish it wasnt so. He would have been great.

  5. Wow! WOW!! He'll kick himself later, trust me!

  6. The Dornish are not 'Arab'. GRRM has said they're inspired by the Spanish and Moors during the time of the Reconquista, but even within Dorne itself there are variations in the people.

    I think it would be a great role for a person of colour if they did indeed decide to head in that direction (and I myself have suggested Naveen Andrews in the past), but it is something where they have some flexibility in the choices they make.

    1. GRRM said that Dorne is a mix between Moorish Spain and Welse
      Arabs ruled Moorish Spain aka Andalus... And those Arabs came from Arabs island to north africa then ruled Spain for more than 800 years

  7. McNulty as Mance Rayder would have been amazing. "Fuck the fucking kneelers already! The fucking kneelers ruined this continent." Too bad...
