Monday 16 May 2016

First set pics from THE DARK TOWER movie

The first set pics have leaked from The Dark Tower, a movie based on Stephen King's eight-volume fantasy series. They depict Idris Elba in the lead role of Roland Deschain and various other crewmembers, locations and costumes.

The Dark Tower has just begun filming and is expected to be released in January 2017.


  1. Wait, was Roland black in the books?!? I only read the first three but never remember it mentioning his race anywhere and assumed he was white...

  2. This is a joke having a black guy play Roland is insane. In fact for anyone who loves Dark Tower if you actually think about it the best guy to play the part would have been Mathew Mcconaughey specially after True Detective.
    Hollywood has just gone mad.

  3. Apparently they asked King and he was totally fine with it. Roland is white in the books and it actually plays into the story at one point (when he suffers a tirade of "honky" insults from a black female character), but apparently they're going to redo that story for the film.

    The story in the film is also apparently going to be directly said to be an alternate universe/parallel reality version of the one in the books, where some things are very similar and other things, even fundamental things, are totally different.
