Friday 20 October 2017

Joe Abercrombie's next novel is named

Gollancz have confirmed that Joe Abercrombie's next novel will be called A Little Hatred and have a tentative release date of May 2019.

This is the first in a new trilogy in the world of The First Law, set some thirty years after the events of Last Argument of Kings. The story will feature some familiar characters from the first trilogy as well as some new characters and the children of old ones, as, once again, the Union is drawn into a conflict.

Abercrombie is drafting the entire trilogy, having recently completed the second book in the new trilogy, before rewrites and edits before publishing the series. The plan is to get the trilogy out relatively quickly, so expect to see (all being well) the second and third books in this trilogy out in 2020 and 2021.


  1. I cannot fucking wait. Come to BALTIMORE Joe and the crabs and beer are on me.

  2. He can't be wearing that shirt and be expecting to release books so quickly - the combination of releasing awesome books, and that shirt, is likely to cause a multi-year Nine-Fingers Knot he will need to resolve.

  3. Offering crabs may not be the best way to entice someone methinks.

  4. I'm afraid that means Nine Fingers is out of it...unless he had a bastard or ten. Fingers crossed.

  5. Someone has to make a Joe Abercrombie shirt like this!
    Great news tho, I can't wait to go back to that epic world.

  6. Loved the First Law Trilogy.
    Best Served Cold was a joyless slog.
    Heroes was ok.
    Have avoided his YA books.

    Hoping for a return to form.
