Thursday 26 October 2017

Steven Erikson puts Kharkanas Trilogy "on hold", starts Malazan sequel trilogy

Steven Erikson has, surprisingly, announced that he is putting his Kharkanas Trilogy on hold and will be starting work on the long-promised Toblakai Trilogy instead, a sequel to his ten-volume Malazan Book of the Fallen.

Erikson announced both trilogies before wrapping up the Malazan series in 2011 with The Crippled God. The Kharkanas Trilogy is set 300,000 years or so before the main Malazan sequence and details the backstory of the three Tiste races (Andii, Liosan and Edur). Erikson released Forge of Darkness to a generally warm reception in 2012, but took four years to release the follow-up, Fall of Light (2016). On release, the novel got a mixed (but leaning towards lukewarm) reception from readers.

Erikson has also worked on other novels in the meantime, writing three Betty comedic space opera novels and a stand-alone SF work, Rejoice, A Knife to the Heart, which will be released in late 2018. It was assumed that the final Kharkanas novel, Walk in Shadow, would also be released in 2018 or 2019.

Now, according to Erikson, he has put Walk in Shadow on hold and will be starting work shortly on The God is Not Willing, the first novel in the Toblakai Trilogy. This trilogy will catch up on the adventures of Karsa Orlong shortly after the events of The Crippled God and - it is believed - will see him return home to his people to rouse them in a crusade against "civilisation". It is likely that this trilogy will also catch up on at least some of the situation in other parts of the world following the events of the Malazan Book of the Fallen and Ian Esslemont's Malazan Empire books.

This news is startling, since Erikson has formerly been one of the fastest, hardest-working and most reliable authors in the fantasy canon. However, he clearly struggled with Fall of Light (which took more than three times as long to write as any of his previous books of comparable size), so this move may help recharge the creative batteries.

It's also good news for fans: the deep backhistory of the Tiste is fascinating to some fans, but many of the main series fans seemed much more excited about the Karsa Orlong saga, expanding as it will on a fan-favourite character from previous books.

No publication date is set for the first Toblakai novel, but hopefully we will see it this side of 2020.

ETA: From Steven Erikson:

Status Update: Completing the third and final Willful Child novel, The Search For Spark. Then it's onward to the first Karsa Orlong novel (what about the third Kharkanas novel? On hold). Thanks everyone for your kind greetings.
Hmm, okay. I've made a point of never dissembling to my readers so why start now? The reasons for this decision (delaying Walk in Shadow) are varied: the basic situation is as follows. For reasons unknown to me, my agent or my publishers, DoD and FoL have tanked in terms of sales. I wasn't even aware of that until we started marketing the First Contact novel, RKH, but when the details came out it took the wind out of my sails (putting it mildly). Now, if it was a matter of the style I employed for the Kharkanas trilogy turning readers off, then the sales of FoD should have been decent, only to then fall off for FoL. But that wasn't the case. Strangely, the Book of the Fallen series remains strong in terms of sales. Was it because it was a prequel? Possibly. Did FoD come too soon after TCG? Maybe. Or is there some kind of reader-fatigue going on? Could be. One theory I've been considering is a more general wariness among fantasy fans regarding trilogies and series -- having been burned by other authors waiting for books, are readers just holding back until the trilogy is done, before buying in? But then, Dancer's Lament sold brilliantly (and it too is a prequel). Anyway, the upshot is, given what we perceive as considerable enthusiasm for the Karsa trilogy, we decided to jump right in. The story picks up four or five years after the ten book series, so there'll be plenty of room to explore the fall-out, and room for favourite characters to make an appearance beyond Karsa himself. I do remain committed to writing Walk in Shadow and humbly apologize for you (few?) readers eagerly awaiting that novel.
Thanks so much for all your comments and encouragement. To those of you waiting for the trilogy to finish before buying, no need to apologize. Waiting for books sucks. Personally, I wish FoL hadn't taken three years to write. That alone is a long wait for any reader. I think what's made the Kharkanas trilogy so fragile for me is that it was always a risky proposition, in terms of tone, atmosphere and writing style. It's dense stuff, and while the style is seductive (for me) it's also one that requires a certain frame of mind. I wasn't aware of how vulnerable that frame of mind was until it got hammered. It may well turn out that after the first Karsa novel (working title: The God is not Willing), I'll head straight back to Walk in Shadow. Sometimes momentum is all one needs.


  1. Hope he brings back Anomander, Why does he have to stay dead when so many others still function after death?

    In 5 years time alot can have happened! :)

    1. Nimander Golit can grow up to become Anomander. Anomander's ending was heroic as i was hoping. No need to bting him back.

    2. Read Esslemonts book for more on Anomander. I agree Eriksons ending of Anomander and Mother darks return was EPIC! FoD was the best place to take Anomander and was great to read about the origins and shapping of other characters.

  2. While my initial response was one of frustration ('cos I want to read what happens of course), and not that many years ago I may have derided the decision, I have to say I admire and, for what it is worth, support Mr Erikson's decision.

    I was entirely taken by surprise when I struggled to write up (scientific) work that I was really invested in on several levels, but for different reasons just couldn't get written in a way that I was satisfied with. I spent so long going around in circles (and beating myself up about it) and it was very demoralising. Switching to other writing went absolutely fine, and then at some point, the projects that I'd struggled with became easy. While I'd previously bought into the idea of just sitting down and writing (which had worked before), at some point it turned out that each piece of work has its time (and those pieces of writing were better for the delay).

    I may have used this as an excuse to talk about my own trials of writing...but I look forward to reading the end of the Kharkanas trilogy when it is ready, and I also look forward to reading about Karsa!


  3. Unfortunate, I may be one of the few who love the Kharkanas trilogy. I'd much rather read the back story of the Tiste than the any more exploits of that daft Karsa Orlong.

  4. I am among those who no longer read series that aren't finished. Nobody to thank but the numerous writers that have taken my cash and now leave me haging with no finish date in sight. I am a bit sad to hear that I'll now be waiting what well may be a decade to read new Malazan material from Erickson. But it is what it is. The man has to eat and I understand sales drive all. I hope he eventually doesn't have to bow to sales anymore and can write what he enjoys. I think the readers benefit from that more than anyone.

  5. I personally think this is a good move. Karsa Orlong is easily one of the more popular characters in the series so having a trilogy on him is a no-brainer. And let's admit it; the Kharkanas Trilogy wasn't really all that interesting.

  6. I thought both books were really weak, so fine by me. Love Malazan book of The Fallen, but it felt like Erikson was extreemely high on his own greatness when he wrote the Kharkans books.

  7. just bought fall of light with the intention of finally finishing forge of darkness. Erikson allways managed to balance philosophical stuff with some of the most epic action and warfare around. Withe Kharkanas that balance was gone but I was willing to try it.

    Guess I'll probably put it on hold for a decade or something like that. As far as I know him I can't believe he has nog intention of finishing it anymore.

    That being said bring on the Karsa trilogy. A toblakai crusade against civilisation with Karsa at its head sounds good enough in itself. Throw some badass Malazan marine action in the mix and some imperial infighting to top it off and we have a winner on our hands.

  8. Those who don't like Kharkanas are, in a word, Unready.

    I say, with no hint of guile, that Forge of Darkness and Fall of Light (especially) are some of the greatest literature I have ever had the good fortune to read. The style, tone and technical mastery that Erikson shows in these books is superior to his works in Book of the Fallen. It saddens me that Walk in shadow is on hold. I await The God is not Willing with eagerness but cannot withhold my disdain toward the so-called fans of good literature that have cast a negative light on Kharkanas.


    1. 100% agree. After rereading FoD and FoL they are brilliant and probably the 2 best books I have ever read.

    2. I agree as well. I love FoD from the start but when I read FoL for the first time I skewered it! But, I re-read it a few years later and absolutely loved it. I didn’t get battlefield details that I wanted, especially @Draconus but that’s OK. I love Karsa too but he’s no Anomandaris Purake!! Give us Book 3!!

  9. S.E

    Your work on MBOF was an awesome entry into high fantasy and something needed in the genre. Imo if you liked J.R.R Tolkin The Silmarillion or Patrik Ruffus Name of the Wind; than the tiste series was for you. Those more leaning Glen Cook Black Company prose will enjoy the side stories recently released by both Steven and Ian (check out those space novels the trek spoof ones, hilarious writing, think I shed tears laughing so hard). I will wait in anticipation for walk in shadows and all other Erickson works. At least he has a stellar track record on actually releasing books; unlike a few out there we take decades...(cough Martin)

  10. I love Kharkanas Trilogy, may be even more than the Malazan book of fallen, so the news truly broke my heart.
    Unfortunately Karsa is the last person I want to read at all... so... bigger disappointment.
    I'll hope at least Kellanved's Reach to be realest sooner.

  11. Never fear, there are fans waiting for Walk in Shadow. I loved GoD and FOL. We believe and are eagerly waiting for the last book.

  12. I fear I may be one of those people who waits until the trilogy is complete before purchasing. In this instance though, I actually bought books 1 and 2 but simply havent read them.
    Maybe, with relation to reader fatigue, Feist's 20 something book Magician series shows people will continue to follow a long series, but how will the sales go for his new world?

  13. I have assumed Anomander returned already in Assail...or is it any other character the character from that book could be?

    1. Nope, not Anomander. Read the very last paragraph of Assail again and you should be able to figure out who it is pretty quickly. He played a lot of “chess” with the Redeemer.

  14. Jethiss is almost certainly Spinnock Durav, not Rake:

  15. Anomander is one of the best characters in the MBOTF. His trilogy is the most interesting in the series. He conducts the line of the history. Wnat him back

  16. Wow. This is ridiculous. I like Karsa, but Anomander Rake is like the Captain Levi of MBOTF. Anomander is the best character of all time.

  17. I loved both Forge of Darkness and Fall of Light - even if I did find them a bit heavier going than the main Malazan series. I assumed the slow and ponderous style was meant to reflect the antiquity of the tale, and the mindset of the Tiste themselves. Sad to have to wait for Walk in Shadow but certainly looking forward to the Karsa trilogy.

  18. Waiting for walk in shadow excitedly

  19. Well, it seems there is a some love for “FOD” and “FOL” here anyway.

    When I heard this news I was massively disappointed! I love the Malayan books in general; I like ICE’s books, but definitely prefer S.E.’s take on the series. And Forge of Darkness is without a shadow (hehe) of a doubt one my favourite books of all time. I am halfway through Fall of Light at the moment, and this will be the third time I have read the two together. As for books that I have been waiting for, there is nothing even close. I couldn’t wait for the day that I opened iBooks and could read a preview to hold me over until the release. It’s all quite depressing really- surely a country song in the making.

    That said, I’ll read Karsa come in to civilization like a wrecking ball. And be happy to do so.

    Surely you are now picturing Karsa Orlong instead of Miley Cyrus on THAT wrecking ball, music and all.

  20. Do your thing Mr. Erikson we will be here waiting!

  21. Fol was a bit difficult to get into, but for me it consolidates Erikson as one of the best in Fantasy fiction with that also is quality literature, with lots of zdult themes and filosophical and historical themes. If you put in the effort to really dig in, reading is truly rewarding. It would be a shame if the trilogy never gets finished


  22. This Breaks my Heart. Erikson is the greatest Author alive today. And The Kharkanas Trilogy is so close to the very fabric of my being. I love Karsa Orlang.. but I'm currently enthralled by the story of the Tiste, and do not wish to be kept away from it's conclusion.

  23. I myself am eagerly awaiting not the last book of the kharkanas series as well as the God is not willing. Big fan, keep it coming!
