Tuesday 14 May 2024

HOUSE OF THE DRAGON and RINGS OF POWER both get second season trailers

HBO and Amazon have dropped the trailers for their forthcoming sophomore seasons of their big fantasy shows at the same time.

Amazon opened proceedings by deploying Hot Elf Sauron:

The first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power can be best-summed as "okay but disappointing." Lots of potential, but mostly unrealised in the final product with some very strange plotting undercutting a killer premise and an apparent lack of trust in Tolkien's original story and timeline that makes you wonder why they bothered in the first place. Still, this might be worth watching for the insane Clark Kentness of nobody recognising Sauron because he's wearing a nice wig.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 hits Amazon on 29 August.

Not to be outdone, HBO dropped the trailer for their second season of Targaryen Royal Rumble a few hours later:

HBO know what their audience likes here: dragons, armies marching, some nice scenery and even some Stark teasing. Nice.

House of the Dragon Season 2 rolls onto the battlefield on 16 June.

1 comment:

  1. The first season of rings of power was a passable fantasy show with some pretty stupid plot holes. However judged as an homage to Tolkien it was insultingly bad. From dwarves that leave bucketloads of invaluable ore lying in the ground because "it might be dangerous", to thousand + year old elves that act like an average dumbass 20 something* and have to have mithril infusions or they die like some kind of geological vampires, to the bad guys somehow having a water powered Rube-Goldberg-machine volcano set up and ready to go (who built that, when, why, how?). . .it was just a complete trainwreck if you gave even the tiniest bit of a crap about the original writings of Tolkien. "Didn't seem to trust their source material" indeed . . .

    In any case, absolutely nothing will get me to waste my time with season two. The longer I have had to reflect on Season 1, the worse I have realized it was.

    *I too was a dumbass at that age. It's not really meant as an insult, it's just how humans seemingly work.
