Saturday, 27 February 2010

Cover and blurb for Peter F. Hamilton's THE EVOLUTIONARY VOID

Courtesy of Walker of Worlds, here's the UK cover art for the third and final volume in Peter F. Hamilton's The Void Trilogy, The Evolutionary Void, due for publication in the UK and USA in September. The new cover art is by Steve Stone, artist for the Malazan books in the UK, taking over from Jim Burns.

Visit Walker of Worlds for the full wraparound cover and the immensely long cover blurb.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wicked cool cover. Really like the spacecraft.

bloggeratf said...

Wondering if I should start rereading the first 2 now given how large they are.

Nick said...

You need to lie down, Mike. And lay off the spam.

Anonymous said...


I haven't read any of these books, but like the look of them. Do I need to start with the Commonwealth Saga?



Kahless said...

Fluffs - You can read the Void books without reading the Commonwealth ones (I did), the only thing is if you read them that way you know who lives and who dies as some characters from the Commonwealth books appear in the Void ones.

I like this artwork, probably the best of the three.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your reply Kahless.