Ringil Eskiath is the famed hero of Gallows Gap, who led the heroic defence that finally broke the back of the Scaled Folk's invasion. However, his temper and his sexuality have led to him being outcast from his homeland and he now makes his living as a glorified tourist attraction, showing gawping spectators around the legendary battlefield. However, when his cousin is sold into slavery, he is called home by his mother and asked to rescue her. Ringil's journey leads him back into the shadow of his old life and to the realisation of a devastating new threat that is arising now the one thing it feared, the Kiriath, is gone.
Archeth is a Kiriath half-breed, left behind when her people left. Now she serves the Emperor as his advisor on Kiriath technology, but her presence is anathema to the increasingly fanatical religious leaders and she survives on the Emperor's sufference. The devastation of a coastal town leads Archeth's research to the horrific conclusion that an ancient force, powerful beyond measure, may be poised to return to this world.
Out on the windswept steppes, the barbarian warrior Egar finds life back among the clans unbelievably dull after he fought for the Empire as a mercenary, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Ringil at Gallows Gap, where Egar earned the name Dragonbane. When Egar's position in the clan comes under threat, he is rescued by a most unlikely patron and whisked into a battle he barely comprehends, alongside some old allies...
The Steel Remains is a pretty dark, full-on and - to use a cliche, gritty. Those easily offended best stay away, especially if you found GRRM too explicit for your tastes as Morgan goes way, way past anything that GRRM has ever done in a book. The violence is visceral, bloody and painstakingly described. The sex is full-on and explicit. To be honest, the levels of sex and violence are somewhat higher than the plot demands. Whilst Black Man was similarly explicit, at least there it could be said that it was only done when necessary for the plot. The Steel Remains is, at heart, a gratuitous story which I suspect a lot of people will be put-off by.
Those who can stomach those elements will find all of those things that have made Morgan one of the most striking authors of his generation: deft characterisation, increasingly accomplished worldbuilding and a fiendish plot which seems to dance out of reach just as you think you've got a handle on it, replaced by something even more cunning than you previously thought possible. Here Morgan takes on of the biggest cliches in fantasy history and turns it on its head in a manner which is probably not quite as original as he thinks (unless he's read Scott Bakker recently) but nevertheless is deftly executed, leading to a powerful final scene that leaves the reader demanding more.
The Steel Remains (****) is dark, brooding, bloody, visceral and absolutely takes no prisoners. But the story it is telling is compelling, the characters are well-defined and the world throws up some refreshingly new ideas and concepts (some heavily influenced by Morgan's SF background). Some may find it all a bit too much, some may find this world too full of pain and darkness to actually be worth saving, but amidst the gloom Morgan carefully plants a few seeds of hope and optimism which the reader can cling to.
The Steel Remains will be published on 21 August 2008 by Gollancz in the UK. A US release from Del Rey is apparently on the cards, but no date has been set as yet.
Interesting review. From what you say Morgan seems to have made a reasonably successful transition to the Fantasy format which is quite an achievement since few authors have done this. I'm puzzled as to why he did this though. Certainly the potential audience is larger but Fantasy is a pretty crowded field at the moment with some awfully strong competition and he was fairly successful back in SF.
I also remain baffled that his books have such difficulty in finding a US publisher. The just released Subterranean Press edition of Altered Carbon is actually the first hardcover release in America (outside of a SFBC edition), 6 years after the Gollancz UK release.
Well, as the press release says, the Fantasy market in the UK is 3 times the size of the SF one, and given that Morgan will hopefully bring his sizable fanbase with him (his last two books sold 20,000+ in hardcover and tradeback alone) as well as winning over new readers, that's probably what the marketing rationale is. On a personal basis, Morgan just seems to be a fan of Fantasy as well as SF and gives praise in his acknowledgements to Poul Anderson and Michael Moorcock.
His mixed success in the US is also baffling, since he sold the film rights to Altered Carbon for a million dollars, which is pretty impressive and I imagine a helpful marketing aid.
Great review Adam! I haven't finished the book myself, but so far I'm loving every page of it :) It's fantasy, but it's still Richard K. Morgan...
Very nice review. I saw also a good review on Sandstorm Reviews and I think that is a really interesting book.
I've read Morgan's Takeshi Kovacs books, but wasn't too fond of them (broken angels was horrible, with woken furries as the best of the bunch). how would you compare steel remains to those books? is steel remains morgan concealed as fantasy, or does this novel offer something different than Takeshi Kovacs.
I'd say that if you hated Morgan's previous work, this one will likely leave you cold as well. It's fantasy, but it's got very much the same style and tone as his earlier novels.
"Gratuitous" is one word for it.
Question: how did all the gay raping advance the plot in any way, shape or form?
I was rather enamored of Altered Carbon. I've been very disappointed by everything else he's done. This just seals the deal-- I thought it was a pile of shit, frankly.
He should have stuck to torture. But then, they say you should write what you enjoy.
Last of his that I'll ever read.
Picked this book up by accident in the airport - it was the only fantasy book not #2 in a trilogy, and while I certainly had not expected full-blown gay sex, i must say i really like this book (and no, not for the gay sex, but rather for Morgan's will to depict it). Though scant on information (kiriath fireships? Im dying to get the details) i love the no-nonsense tone, but then again, GRRM has spoiled me forever.
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