Sunday 28 August 2011

Joe Abercrombie and R. Scott Bakker fans needed

As some may know, one of my other gigs is running the Game of Thrones TV wiki, which is rewarding (if time-consuming) work. During my explorations of Wikia I also discovered wikis had been set up dedicated to Joe Abercrombie's First Law books and R. Scott Bakker's Second Apocalypse series. Both wikis are in a very new state and require some editors to help out in writing entries about characters, locations etc, so if anyone fancies helping out, please feel free to do so.

I have to say that I get a lot of requests for stories-so-far and more information on these two series, so developing these resources to provide information for fans (especially when the next book in the respective series rolls out) would be very helpful.


Anonymous said...

Link doesn't work.

Adam Whitehead said...

Which one? All are working fine for me.

Sometimes Wikia goes down for maintenance, but it seems to be working fine now.

Cursed Armada said...

Hmm...I love R. Scott Bakker, but that sounds like a daunting challenge to do it correctly...This would be a great post for the boys and girls over at the ASOIAF Literature thread... Although, I'm sure you already knew this lol.

Anonymous said...

Well I've signed up over on the First Law Wikia. Great idea, the series is of a size now to warrant something like this.

My-on-the-internet skills are not as good as some (like I created a page but don't know how to make it into a hyperlink?). Posted a few entries and edited one.

HelloW said...


Are you an admin on the PoN wiki?

Adam Whitehead said...

Haven't been over there for ages, but yup.