Tuesday 15 November 2011

Cover art for China Mieville's RAILSEA

The American cover art for China Mieville's next novel, Railsea, has been revealed:

Hard info on the book - due out in May 2012 - is scant at the moment, but from advance pagination (though we should remember this is highly unreliable) and some other hints, it sounds like this might be Mieville's second YA novel, though that is far from confirmed. More news as I hear it.


Joel said...

Great covery! Hoping it isn't YA, as UnLunDun is not my favorite of his books.

The cover style (font for his name/colors) is very much in keeping with City/Kraken/Embassytown, and it doesn't have that "hey kids, read me!" appeal, so maybe it isn't YA after all.

Anonymous said...

By the price on Amazon, if it is correct, I would expect it is a YA title