Rory McCann returns as Sandor Clegane, the Hound, now a member of King Joffrey's Kingsguard. Apparently Sandor's role, which was somewhat under-emphasised in Season 1, will be beefed up for Season 2 to something more like that of the books. It may also just be the lighting, but his make-up for this season looks markedly better as well.

The Painted Table of Dragonstone. It's good to see it's in the series, but it does appear to be a smaller and less grandiose version of what is described in the novels.

Stephen Dillane as King Stannis Baratheon. The production team have opted not to have Stannis bald, as in the novels, but otherwise have gone for a stern look more in keeping with his depiction in the books.

Theon Greyjoy meets a drowned priest of the Iron Islands. In a change from the books, this is a miscellaneous priest rather than his uncle, Aeron 'Damphair' Greyjoy. This is probably to keep their options open when it comes to casting Aeron for a later season.

Melisandre of Asshai, played by Carice Van Houten. With her red hair and neck choker, this is Melisandre pretty much straight out of the books.

Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell. This is a big change from the novels, as Dormer's casting means that Margaery is older and more seasoned than the young noblewoman of the novels. Some fans are speculating that Margaery's character responsibilities may be combined with those of the Queen of Thorns to produce a stronger, more interesting character.

Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Seaworth, Stannis's most loyal retainer. An excellent piece of casting and Davos looks the part perfectly here. Since Davos spends more of his time on a ship than on a horse, it's interesting to speculate that he might be present at a certain parley here.

Michelle Fairley as Catelyn Stark and Finn Jones as Ser Loras Tyrell, both returning characters from Season 1. It's interesting to note the combination of the Baratheon stag and the Tyrell colours on the banner behind them, suggesting that for the TV show Renly might have adopted his own, subtly different sigil.

Gethin Anthony as King Renly Baratheon, here shown cultivating a beard, possibly to look more 'kingly'. Combined with the stag-like crown, this makes Renly look a lot more like Robert's little brother. Behind him is a mostly-obscured Brienne of Tarth, played by Gwendoline Christie.
Overall, it looks like HBO is hitting the right marks in getting A Clash of Kings onto the screen. The season will start airing in the USA and (presumably) the UK in April 2012.
It looks a bit different, but still very good. I'm sure they will pull it off again.
Renly had a beard in the first season - it's just been grown out a little more.
So frekin excited for the Onion Knight.....
Any word on the DVD/Blu-Ray release date? I was hoping it would be released in time for Christmas.
March 20th, 2012, unfortunately.
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