Meanwhile, Legendary Pictures have picked up the movie rights to the Mass Effect series of computer roleplaying games. BioWare are working on a trilogy of games set in the SF universe (which depicts humanity as the junior member of an alliance of various races facing the threat of the alien Reapers in 2183) and released Mass Effect 2 earlier this year to critical acclaim.

Interesting to see if either of these projects make it to the movie screen in good shape.
Hope so. Neuromancer is the Duke Nuke'Em Forever of cinema.
Mass Effect - Loved the game. Don't know how they will translate the gender selection for the main character onto the silver screen though, do you?
Now if the powers that be wanted to make an exciting Scifi movie, then look no further than the new Scifi Space Opera novel "Onet's Tale" published by IFWG Publishing and available worldwide via the Amazon chain and Barnes & Noble in the U.S to name but two. A brilliant tale well told.Check it out Wertzone...
Interesting news on neuromancer.
I am glad that Joseph Kahn is no longer going to be directing this.
Vincenzo Natali does atleast seem to understand cyberpunk, and his filmogrophy isn't bad..cube and tideland both being good, and cypher being vaguely promising, though far from perfect. Splice also looks interesting.
Cyberpunk has been historically poorly treated by cinema, hopefully this trend reverses.
When i say that Vincenzo Natalidirected tideland, i am ofcause making an arse of myself and meaning that he directed Getting Gilliam, his documentry about the filming of tideland...
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