Wednesday 18 May 2016

Scott Lynch's THORN OF EMBERLAIN confirmed for September release

Gollancz have confirmed that they will be releasing Scott Lynch's The Thorn of Emberlain, the fourth volume of The Gentleman Bastard series, on 22 September this year.

This is a slight delay from the July 2016 date originally mooted, but Gollancz explained they made the change to better coordinate marketing activities as Scott will be in the UK that month for Fantasycon.

The previous volumes in the series were The Lies of Locke Lamora (2006), Red Seas Under Red Skies (2007) and The Republic of Thieves (2013). Three further volumes are anticipated to bring the series to a conclusion: The Ministry of Necessity, The Mage and the Master Spy (although this title may change) and Inherit the Night.


James said...

This book has been pushed back several times and had a original release date of 2014. Is there anyway to know if this one is set in stone? Thanks for the update by the the G.B. books!

Ser Scot said...


Ser Scot said...


Ser Scot said...


Adam Whitehead said...

It's direct from the UK (and primary) publishers so I'd say it's as legit as it can be. I'm hoping Scott and Gollancz can 100% confirm hand-in of the manuscript tomorrow.

A good sign this is legit is how short the delay is. If the book still wasn't done, I'd suspect they'd be rolling it back to November or even January/February just to be on the safe side.

Laura said...

Any idea if Del Rey/Spectra will be doing a simultaneous release in the US?

Bibliotropic said...

I'm so excited to read this book! Really looking forward to it!

James said...

Scott confirmed it!

Unknown said...

Excellent news, very glad that Scott was able to continue on this series - despite the issues that affected him. One of the cleverest series in fantasy.

ewanmc said...

Hey there, don't suppose you've heard any news on this? The Gollancz pre-order link has vanished, and Amazon UK now have it listed as Untitled Scott Lynch 4 of 4, with a release date of 2018. Which doesn't bode well I fear...

Adam Whitehead said...

See my post of 16/08/16.