The Tolkien Library website has an extensive interview with Harff here about the project. At the moment there is only one copy in existence, but Harff has plans to contact HarperCollins and the Tolkien Estate about seeing if there is a commercial application.
Nice. Though I suspect even a mass-produced version would be extremely expensive :-)
Unfortunately, the typography of the main text seems rather poor. The art is stunning, though!
Did the Tolkien Estate sue him already?
It is a lovely piece!
Being a Tolkien aficionado from way back, it makes me wonder why it hasn't been done before. I would love to have a copy. :)
I like it. More fantasy should be produced as leather bound tomes with locking clasps and illuminations. A monastery should be founded immediately to meet demand.
Mark Lawrence said it best... "Leather bound tomes" Agreed good sir agreed...
I'd pay a hell of a lot for any Tolkien books published like that. Totally awesome
I want one so bad!
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