Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski (new UK edition, Gollancz, March):

Lord of Slaughter by M.D. Lachlan (UK, Gollancz, 21 June):

The Hammer and the Blade by Paul S. Kemp (UK/US, Angry Robot, 26 June):

Jack Glass by Adam Roberts (UK, Gollancz, 19 July):

A Song of Ice and Fire 2013 Calendar (UK/UK, Bantam, 31 July):

The Fractal Prince by Hannu Rajaniemi (UK, Gollancz, 20 September):

That Blood of Elves cover looks ludicrously funny. Ha!
I have to say that, other than the Jack Glass one, those covers aren't doing it for me.
I believe that Gollancz went with the covers for the Spanish editions of Andrzej Sapkowski. However, for me, their initial covers worked best. They made an excellent job, without featuring a character on the book cover. These are not very much on my liking. Still, it can be worse, look at that cover for Paul S. Kemp's novel ;)
I love Adam Roberts cover though, it is an awesome one. And I cannot praise high enough the works of Marc Simonetti, the artist who worked for the A Song of Ice and Fire 2013 Calendar. He is one of the best. And maybe we would see some of his works on the book covers too. On the English market I mean, because he made plenty for French editions of various speculative fiction titles :)
Jack Glass. Best cover since Jesse Bullingtons The Brothers Grossbart.
Like the Fractal Prince & Jack Glass covers! Probably would enjoy the contents of the fantasy books more ... but hey, I like me some Sci-fi too.
Has anyone heard anything about release dates for the entire Sapkowski/Witcher series?
I'm one of those people that avoids unfinished series and this time the series seems to be written and it's just the translation and publishing in english that is taking the time and stopping me starting out.
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