Wednesday, 29 September 2010

First review of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT

Not by me, sadly. Jason at Dragonmount has read a later draft of the book (but not the final copy) and posted his impressions here. Obviously, Jason has a vested interest in the book and gives a lengthy disclaimer warning that he is biased (he did give Crossroads of Twilight a good review as well on release). However, his assessment that the book builds on the success of The Gathering Storm and remedies the biggest problems of that book (such as Mat's problematic characterisation) is nevertheless encouraging.

The book is published in just over a month's time.


The Evil Hat said...

Didn't Tor have a review up before this? Albeit one that says nothing of meaning.

Adam Whitehead said...

If a major fan site's review is at least somewhat slanted, I imagine the publisher's is even moreso ;-)

Anonymous said...

when is your review going to be put up

Mike Bonsiero said...

Am I the only one in the world who didn't hate Crossroads of Twilight? It's a flawed book, and I'd imagine it would have been really annoying if I had been waiting years for a WoT book and that's what I had gotten, but since I started the series right after Knife of Dreams was released and was able to go right to the next book, it didn't bother me so much.

Well, the prologue bothered me; it was entirely too long and advanced the story not at all.

Adam Whitehead said...

Review copies of TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT will be rarer than gold dust. The American publishers did send some copies THE GATHERING STORM out before publication (but only a week or two before) but the British ones didn't, so I imagine I won't be reading TOWERS until it's in the shops.

Anonymous said...

does anybody have a link to his CoT review anywhere? It was freaking hilarious and I would love to reread it ...