I am informed by Blogger that this is my 1,000th post and, coincidentally, this comes on the day that the blog passes 1,000,000 page views (erm, since I remembered to add a stat-counter which was some way into the lifetime of the blog so it's a lot more than that but still). So this as good a time as any to say:
And, indeed:

That's pretty much it. Normal blogging will resume shortly :-)
Congratulations, man. You deserve the success.
Er, Happy Birthday?
Long may you continue with your fine blog on all things Sci-fantasy.
Congrats Adam!
It's well deserved, I admire you as a blogger.
Keep up the good work!
Congratulations! Keep on the good work.
Congratulations. Conspiracy theories for the numerological significance of the numbers occurring together anyone?
Well done Adam. It's a quality blog; your posts are well thought-out & articulated, adding value to the SF & Fantasy genres. Yours is a viewpoint I trust.
Davieboy (AKA Thundersummoner)
Congrats! =)
Congrats, Adam! That's one heck of a (well deserved) milestone!
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