Saturday, 13 November 2010

One Thousandth Post About One Million Hits

I am informed by Blogger that this is my 1,000th post and, coincidentally, this comes on the day that the blog passes 1,000,000 page views (erm, since I remembered to add a stat-counter which was some way into the lifetime of the blog so it's a lot more than that but still). So this as good a time as any to say:


And, indeed:

That's pretty much it. Normal blogging will resume shortly :-)


The Evil Hat said...

Congratulations, man. You deserve the success.

Iain said...

Er, Happy Birthday?

Long may you continue with your fine blog on all things Sci-fantasy.

Phil said...

Congrats Adam!

It's well deserved, I admire you as a blogger.

Keep up the good work!

ediFanoB said...

Congratulations! Keep on the good work.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Conspiracy theories for the numerological significance of the numbers occurring together anyone?

Davieboy said...

Well done Adam. It's a quality blog; your posts are well thought-out & articulated, adding value to the SF & Fantasy genres. Yours is a viewpoint I trust.
Davieboy (AKA Thundersummoner)

Patrick said...

Congrats! =)

Aidan Moher said...

Congrats, Adam! That's one heck of a (well deserved) milestone!